How to use individual counseling curriculum to engage students and effectively track data!


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A Note from Rachel...


Let's be real, individual counseling can be overwhelming!

Groups always seemed fun and easy, but one-on-one sessions made me feel incompetent and doubt my effectiveness. It was hard to find materials and I didn’t have time to create activities to cover all of their unique needs. I ended up pulling out Jenga for the zillionth time or just chatting while doing a puzzle which left me with nothing to show parents and teachers

Oh and don't even get me started on those K-2 kiddos, I was always at a loss at what to do! Can you relate? Even if you have been at your school for years there are likely still times when you are unsure what to do in individual counseling sessions.

That’s why learning how to lead engaging and data-driven individual sessions is vital no matter where you are in your counseling journey.

Not only will the kids love the hands-on activities, but you will feel confident and prepared knowing that your lessons are effective.

Whatever the reason is that you’re looking into this… I get it. If you’re ready to enhance your individual counseling sessions and start collecting data so you can feel confident and valued, I want to help you get there faster with this simple training. The best part? I will be giving my favorite individual curriculum away for free to everyone who attends!